The funds will be used to further support library programs and services.
We are very proud of our work and the excellent services that our stellar staff members have provided to Washington Township residents.
The library continues to reach out to the community.
- All American Assisted Living
- Cardinal Village
- Coat Drive
- Five Star Senior Living
- Girl Scouts
- Hollydell School
- Greater Washington Township Chamber of Commerce
- Mother's Cupboard
- National Night Out
- Parent Teacher Organizations
- Super Saturday
- Washington Township Environmental Commission
- Washington Township Creative Team
- Washington Township Historic Preservation Commission
- Washington Township Public Schools
- Washington Township Senior Center
Programs and Services
The 2024 – 2028 Library Strategic Plan was approved by the Library Board of Trustees. We exceeded our yearly statistical goals in 2024 compared with 2023, including program attendees (41%), visitors (16%), items borrowed (13%), program offered (10%), and new cardholders (6%).
We were reminded that patrons continue to value youth programming, year-round Sunday hours, three-week circulation period for books, and the availability of multiple copies of bestsellers to keep waiting times low. Through multiple platforms, we increased availability of electronic resources, including books, audiobooks, movies, and magazines. We began issuing digital library cards to township residents as part of Library Card Sign-Up Month. We replaced our computer software for program registrations and room reservations, allowing cardholders to reserve small study rooms and easily register for programs.
Our librarians launched several new programs, including Dungeons and Dragons for children and a Heritage Club and a Babysitting Club for teens. Adults were invited to Washington Lake Park for Rambling Readers: A Walking Book Club. Patrons enjoyed previous programs that were repeated, including story times, Truck Night, Blind Date With a Book, and guest speakers.
We added the Glencairn Museum pass, bringing our total number of museum and attraction passes to twenty-nine.
In conjunction with Girl Scout Troop 61578, Washington Township Public Works added a Little Free Library in Washington Lake Park, expanding our reach in the community.
Friends of the Library
We are thankful to the Friends who donated $11,100 to support future library services. In 2024, Friends funds were used to enhance the summer reading programs for all ages. Friends funds were also used to purchase books for the collection, programming supplies, a Book Page subscription, and more.
2024 Statistics
2024 Inventory
Also, many thanks to Public Works for planting the trees on this foggy December morning.
This card will provide access to our entire eMaterials collection, including books, audiobooks, movies, and magazines.
Please note: If you already have a library card, you do not need to apply for a digital eLibrary card. Your full access library card already provides access to the eMaterials collection.
Every week this September, look for Smokey around the library. When you find him, let the Children's Desk know and you will get a Smokey the Bear sticker! Fire prevention info sheets will be available at the Children 's desk this September, as well.
- Brian McCafferty Washington Township Public Works Department: sent Digger and Dump Truck
- Ofc. Jessica Walton Washington Township Police Department: Brought Squad car
Washington Township Fire District - Bill and Colleen Norcross B & C Services Westville: Sent tow truck
- Mike Nolan Timberline Cold Storage: Tractor
- Washington Township Ambulance and Rescue: Ambulance
- JPC Group Inc: Cement Mixer, Flat bed truck and Front Loader
- Ofc Elliot Davis Gloucester County Sheriff's Office: Bomb Squad
Visitors to the Library
New Cardholders
Items Borrowed
Internet Usage
Reference Questions
Programs Offered
Program Attendees
Downloaded Materials
Museum Passes Borrowed
See Andrew interviewed along with other WWII veterans by ABC News on the 80th anniversary of D-day:
Watch another interview with Andrew by the National World War II Museum.
Saturday, August 10th at 1:00 PM.
Registration is required online or by calling the library at 856-589-3334. This program is open to everyone.
The library’s hours are:
- Monday – Thursday: 10AM – 9PM
- Friday – Saturday: 10AM – 5PM
- Sunday: 1PM – 5PM
You can see all the poems at Washington Lake Park by the Ranger Station. Thank you to all the participants.
Visit our Poetry Walk page to read submissions from previous years.
Pick up a pair of viewing glasses at our circulation desk. Limit one per person while supplies last.
The STAR Library Education Networks SEAL (Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries) initiative (with major funding support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation) is distributing approximately 5 million solar eclipse viewing glasses to libraries in all 50 states and all US territories and protectorates.
Access your library anywhere from right from your mobile device. Manage your account, search the catalog, renew items, place holds on materials, and more.
2023 Statistics
- Circulation: 177,694
- Physical Items Added to the Collection: 9,523
- Program Attendance: 11,409
- Total Programs Offered: 850
- Visitors: 92,427
- Interlibrary Loans Sent and Received: 230
- LOGIN Items Sent: 4,996
- LOGIN Items Received: 7,031
- New Cardholders: 1,591
- Internet Usage: 6,846
- Downloaded Materials: 14,503
- Museum Passes Borrowed: 403
- Reference Questions Answered: 18,127
- Wi-Fi Usage: 4,925
- Heggan Website Pages Accessed: 109,746
2023 Inventory
- Print Books: 80,863
- Print Magazines: 953
- Music CDs: 2,518
- Audio Book CD Titles: 3,046
- Movie Titles: 8,198
Birches Open House had 24 new library card sign ups!
Hurffville open house had 70 new library card sign ups!
Bells open house had 29 new library card sign ups!
Thomas Jefferson open house had 9 new library card sign ups!
Washington Township Middle Schools open house had 5 new library card sign ups!
Wedgwood open house had 36 new library card sign ups!
Whitman open house had 9 new library card sign ups!
Grenloch Terrace Early Childhood Center open house had 29 new library card sign ups!
Please click here for more information WTPS open house sessions.
Please click here for more information on the GCIT, Home School, and Private School open house sessions.
Dr. Hibbs attended his first library board meeting in July. Tonight, after the August board meeting, Dr. Hibbs obtained his Heggan Library card and checked out a few books.
All staff of both public and private schools in Washington Township are eligible for a free Heggan Library card. For more information, please contact the library at 856 589 3334 extension 200.

Categories of games and programs include the following topics:
This computer was purchased thanks to a generous donation from the Friends of the Library. The Friends of the Library support the library through fundraising and advocacy.
For more information about the Friends and to become a member or to make a donation, please visit their website at www.hegganlibraryfriends.org
Read as much as you can, and attend our programs to collect beads and earn trips to our book prize cart!
Visit our summer reading page for more information.
The summer reading program ends on Friday, August 25th.
WHEREAS Gary Breen has been a valued member of the Library Board of Trustees of the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library since 2013; and
WHEREAS Gary Breen has been the school superintendent’s alternate on the library board for over ten years; and
WHEREAS Gary Breen has brought to the board his thorough knowledge of school operations as a former teacher and as an elementary school principal; and
WHEREAS Gary Breen has served on the Building and Grounds Committee, assisting with decisions relating to building maintenance and groundskeeping; and
WHEREAS Gary Breen’s dedication, enthusiasm, knowledge, and leadership in serving the school system and the library will be missed by those who had the privilege of working with him;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Library Board on this 21st day of June 2023 that we thank and commend Gary Breen for his contributions, loyalty, and faithful service to the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is recorded in the minutes of the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library Board of Trustees’ June 2023 meeting and that a copy is given to Gary Breen as a token of our thanks and gratitude to him.
Thank you to the Friends of the Library for supporting us and helping us to provide vast and exciting reading materials for our community. We’re fortunate to have such a caring group to assist us in serving the patrons.
Some notable statistics for 2022 include:
- Circulation: 155,841
- Physical Items Added to the Collection: 10,229
- Program Attendance: 4,508
- Total Programs Offered: 546
- Visitors: 66,566
Try Mango Languages in a browser!
Download the Mango Languages app on iOS!
Download the Mango Languages app on Android!
This year, the library is having a raffle for four free tickets to The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Existing Heggan cardholders and those getting a card for the first time, or a replacement card, are eligible to enter the drawing, which will be held on Monday, October 3rd. Participants do not need to be present to win.
We’re also featuring various community members and library staff members throughout the building, posing for their very own READ poster. Stop in and see who you can find.
Our primary focus is to provide the Washington Township taxpayers with as many resources and materials as our budget allows. In order to protect the Township’s assets and ensure the timely return of materials, we feel it is essential to maintain our reasonable, low fines. There are several mechanisms in place for our members if the financial burden of a fine is preventing them from utilizing the library. They can call, renew, or request charges to be waived by downloading the form found here.
The Library board’s decision to maintain our policies will not impact your ability to borrow materials available through the GCLS. The GCLS has committed to collecting the fines for our materials that are returned late to its locations as well as providing ongoing reports to ensure our materials are not being withheld from circulation for unreasonable periods of time.
We look forward to reviewing the results of GCLS’ initiative before we consider modifying our policies. The Board of Trustees for the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library holds a public meeting on the third Wednesday of each month if you have concerns you would like the board to consider.
Thank you,
Terri Schechter
President, Library Board of Trustees
Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library
606 Delsea Drive
Sewell, NJ 08080
(856) 589 3334
Freegal is a treasure trove of over 16 million songs from over 93,000 music labels from over 100 countries. Freegal features not only today’s top hits, but also all-time favorites going back into the past century. It contains over a million classical tracks; strong collections in jazz, world music, country, alternative, blues, gospel, Christian, and kids’ music; and many other genres and types of music.
Access Freegal by visiting the Freegal website or by downloading the app.
Please click here to read more about the new CDC community level metrics and to search for a location by state and county.
Please click here or click here to read more about this gift and click here to visit the Friends’ website.
Notice is hereby given that proposals for professional services, not subject to bidding pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5, will be received by the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library. The proposals must be submitted to the Library Director, 606 Delsea Drive, Sewell, New Jersey 08080 on or before December 10, 2021 by 5 p.m. Proposals will be reviewed at a public meeting to be held on December 15, 2021 at 5:00 pm in the library’s meeting room. Proposals for the following professional services will be accepted: Library Board Solicitor, Library Auditor, Library Engineer.
Please submit 2 copies of the proposal. Each submission to be considered shall conform to the criteria set forth herein:
1) Should the applicant be a professional acquiring licensure in the State of New Jersey, said applicant shall be licensed for a period not less than five (5) years.
2) The applicant shall submit a Certification of Current Licensure or other similar document evidencing that the professional’s license is not presently suspended or revoked.
3) The applicant shall submit a current “New Jersey Affirmative Action Certificate”.
4) The applicant shall submit a resume, which shall set forth information including but not limited to the following (as applicable to a business entity or individual professional):
(a) Full name and business address;
(b) A listing of all post high school education of the applicant;
(c) Dates of licensure in the State of New Jersey and any other State;
(d) A listing of any professional affiliations or memberships in any professional societies or organizations, with an indication as to any offices held therein;
(e) The number of licensed professionals employed by/affiliated with the business entity or the business entity which employs the applicant;
(f) A listing of all special accreditations held by the individual licensed professional or business entity;
(g) A listing of all previous public entities served by the business entity or licensed professional, indicating the dates of services and position held.
5) The applicant shall submit a schedule of fees. The Library Board of Trustees shall thereafter select the professional or business entity for the position so advertised which shall thereafter be confirmed or approved as required by law or ordinance.
SHEILA MIKKELSON, Library Director
Bags are $15 each. Please visit the circulation desk to purchase a bag. We accept cash and checks made out to the Friends of the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library.
All proceeds from sales benefit the Friends of the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library. To learn about becoming a member of the Friends, visit their website at www.hegganlibraryfriends.org
In order to check on the availability of the passes and to request an agreement application, please send an email message to circulation@hegganlibrary.org.
Please note that the passes are available first come, first serve. Since it is necessary for the library staff to quarantine the passes for 72 hours after they are returned, as we are following national quarantine guidelines, availability of the passes may be limited.
We are in the process of determining types of additional virtual services that we may be able to provide to our patrons beyond our digital resources via our website. We appreciate both your understanding and patience at this time as we continue to handle a difficult and unprecedented situation.
We have extended all of our due dates on all materials until April 30th, 2020. We will waive all late fees that may accumulate during the time we are closed.
We encourage everyone to stay home. However, our library book drop is still available, and you may return your borrowed materials. You are welcome to keep any materials that you have checked out until the due date at the end of April.
If you have returned your library materials via our book drop, you may notice that the items still appear on your library account. We are not physically checking in any library materials until further notice. Please be assured that the materials will be checked in and they will no longer appear on your account as soon as we are physically able to safely handle all of the returned materials.
Until further notice, holds cannot be placed on physical library materials. We will automatically extend any holds that are already waiting for you on our holds shelf at the library so that they do not expire. Once the library opens again, you will be able to check out those materials.
The Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library is committed to the well-being and safety of our guests, staff, and community. We continue to closely follow the directives issued by public authorities and health officials as we strive to develop our plans to respond to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 outbreak.
Kids & Teens
- Charlesbridge
Activities and downloadables for titles by this publisher. - Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh
Follow the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh on Facebook to see a throwback collection of DIY posts and videos from the MakeShop, including making a chair out of newspapers and a bag out of a t-shirt. - Common Sense Media
When kids have earned some screen time or parents need a quick break, check out Common Sense Media for some direction on recommended apps, books, TV shows, movies and more. For those not familiar with Common Sense Media, reviews include tips on what parents need to know, talking points and ratings, keeping age levels in mind. - Crayola
Coloring pages, DIY crafts, and other at home activities, including live craft demos. - Disney: Learn to Draw
If you’re looking for a fun, creative way to add some Disney magic to your day, Disney is sharing something special – a complete series of how-to tutorials on drawing Mickey Mouse & friends through the years. - Laurie Berkner Band
The best music, videos, and books for kids – that grownups love, too! Her Facebook page offers educational videos, including live “Berkner Breaks” most weekdays at 10AM. - LivBits
A schedule of live reading events - Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
The Kennedy Center’s YouTube channel presents Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems. Spend some time and create some fun crafts with Mo Willems. - PBS Kids
PBS Kids has compiled a list of specific resources for talking to your child about coronavirus, including episodes of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and Sesame Street. The list is found here. In addition, parents can sign up for a special PBS Kids newsletter with daily tips and activities to try while the kids are at home. Sign-up at the PBS Kids website. - Peachtree
Activity sheets, event kits, and reading guides for kids of all ages. - Podyssey
Fun and interesting podcasts to entertain and educate kids (and parents!). Great screen-free entertainment the whole family can enjoy. - Ranger Rick
Sign up for three months of free access to all of Ranger Rick’s games, jokes, videos, awesome animal articles, and more! This offer is good through June 30, 2020. - Read, Wonder, and Learn!
Find a growing collection of resources that include everything from first-chapter and picture book read-alouds (all shared with permission!) to drawing and writing mini-lessons. Be sure to check back often, as new resources will be added every day. - Reading is Fundamental
This site was created to help parents and childcare providers develop the language skills of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The site includes nursery rhymes, fingerplays, games, and songs. There is also a page for parents with videos and activities to encourage reading. - Scholastic Learn at Home
Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going with these special cross-curricular journeys. Every day includes four separate learning experiences, each built around a thrilling, meaningful story or video. Kids can do them on their own, with their families, or with their teachers. Just find your grade level and let the learning begin! - The Social Express
A company focused on Social-Emotional Learning and Career Path Exploration. - Storyline Online
The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and dozens more. - TIME for Kids
TIME for Kids digital library is free for the rest of the school year. As the world asks more of families and teachers, TIME for Kids salutes you, and they’re here to support you! TIME for Kids is in the unique position to help kids understand this unprecedented moment.
Adults, Parents, Teachers
- Children’s Book Council
The new CBC resource page is now available and contains links directly to publisher websites to easily access and learn more about the amazing children’s and young adult books and activities they have to offer. - Dreambox Learning
For a limited time, parents can get a 90 day FREE trial of DreamBox so children can learn at home. Simply sign up by April 30th. - Holiday House
This is a new Holiday House Resources page. It was created to meet the needs of those who have been looking for ways to engage with and continue teaching children in a virtual environment. - Kids Activities
A happy place filled with easy things to do with kids that don’t require special skills, lots of money or advanced planning. - OCLC
Many content providers have offered free access to e-content collections to help you maintain online services during the COVID-19 crisis. OCLC is actively partnering with global content providers to ensure access to these valuable resources through OCLC cataloging, discovery, and resource sharing services. - Open Culture
Get 1,500 free online courses from the world’s leading universities — Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, Oxford and more. You can download these audio & video courses (often from iTunes, YouTube, or university web sites) straight to your computer or mp3 player.
All Ages
- Museum Tours
- New York City
- Guggenheim Museum
You can utilize Google’s Street View feature to explore the museum’s exclusive Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Modern, and Contemporary era art exhibits. - The Intrepid: Sea, Air & Space Museum Complex
The Intrepid: Sea, Air & Space Museum Complex – The Intrepid website offers educational videos on the history and evolution of the Intrepid and other related topics. There is also an extensive offering of virtual and online educational programs. - The Museum of Modern Art — MoMA
Explore exhibits dating back to 1929 and check out the iconic works of Matisse, Picasso, and more. - Whitney Museum of Modern Art
Check out the Meatpacking District’s beloved museum of modern American art without dragging yourself over there.
- Guggenheim Museum
- London
- The British Museum
Featuring historic works like the ancient Rosetta Stone and actual Egyptian mummies, The British Museum is home to hundreds of remarkable artifacts. - Tate Modern
Navigate London’s modern art gallery via street view at Tate, which houses both national and international collections of art dating between the 1900s and present day.
- The British Museum
- Paris
- The Louvre
Check out Egyptian Antiquities, Galerie d’Apollon, and more. - Musée d’Orsay
Experience the work of iconic French artists like Monet, Cézanne, and Gaugin. The museum’s diverse collection includes oil paintings, canvas work, modern art, and impressionism.
- The Louvre
- Amsterdam
- Rijksmuseum
Get a taste of the Dutch Golden Age at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum, with an array of art from notable names like Vermeer and Rembrandt. - Van Gogh Museum
As the name suggests, the city’s Van Gogh Museum houses the largest collection of Vincent van Gogh’s work in the world, with over 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and 750 personal letters — many of which can be viewed online.
- Rijksmuseum
- Washington D.C.
- National Gallery of Art
The country’s capital is home to one of the most popular art museums in the US: the National Gallery of Art. And Google happens to feature two exhibits online, American Fashion from 1740 through 1895 and a collection from Dutch Baroque painter Johannes Vermeer. - Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery
Immerse yourself in the Smithsonian’s expansive National Portrait Gallery, which includes Portraits of African Americans, First Ladies, Votes for Women, and more.
- National Gallery of Art
- New York City
- Performances
- Met Opera
The Metropolitan Opera has cancelled performances due to concerns over the coronavirus outbreak, and is streaming encore Live in HD presentations for its ‘Nightly Met Opera Stream’. - BroadwayHD
The platform is currently offering a free seven-day trial, along with an affordable $8.99 monthly plan. - The Kennedy Center
Watch extraordinary performances every day — from The Kennedy Center’s stages and beyond. Featuring original works, new performances and the best of their vast archive. - Playbill
Check out this great list of where to stream Broadway shows. The list includes family friendly favorites, such as Peter Pan and Newsies.
- Met Opera
- Zoos & Aquariums
- Atlantic White Shark Conservancy
The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy is conducting a shark storytime every day this week at 10 a.m. There will be a shark story and time for shark Q & A. - Cape May Park & Zoo
Cape May Park Zoo is offering Zoo School on their Facebook page. This includes daily educational videos featuring a different animal or location in the zoo. Zoo staff is also available to answer questions during select times each day. - Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari
The zoo will be hosting daily streams on Facebook Live. Each day, the stream will focus on a different animal in the zoo. They’ll also be sharing fun activities that you can do at home. - The Dallas Zoo
The Dallas Zoo began sharing behind-the-scenes footage and educational videos on social media, using the hashtag #BringTheZooToYou. - New England Aquarium
Join them for live presentations, new videos, and activities to try from home. - San Diego Zoo
Watch and Learn – Live cams and videos of your favorite animals - Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL
The aquarium encourages people to check its social media accounts for behind-the-scenes posts, and to learn more about aquatic animals through its digital resources.
- Atlantic White Shark Conservancy
Representatives from the Census Bureau will be in the library on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. offering information and assistance with the application process
for jobs with the 2020 Census.
To learn more about the Friends, please visit their website at www.hegganlibraryfriends.org.
Incredibles are Library Card Sign-Up Month honorary chairs, helping to promote the value of a library card and bring attention to the many ways libraries and librarians transform lives and communities through education.
Cost of membership is only $5.00 per year. For more information about the Friends, please visit their website at www.hegganlibraryfriends.org.
In the meantime, we suggest that if you need an item that is available at another library, you consider visiting that library in the LOGIN consortium to borrow the material. A list of all of the libraries in the LOGIN consortium is available here.
Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please contact the library at (856) 589-3334.
Click here to view the list.
At this time, we are only filling holds of materials in our building if they are being picked up at the Heggan Library. If you are placing a hold, please make sure that you choose Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library as your pick up location. We apologize for the extreme inconvenience that this has been for both patrons and staff. Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please contact the library at (856) 589-3334.
- Children are eligible to enter a raffle for a basket that includes a frog blanket, frog candy, books about frogs, a frog-themed coloring book, and crayons.
- Teens are eligible to enter a raffle for a basket that includes four books: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger; 1984 by George Orwell; The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini; and Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.
- Adults ages eighteen and older are eligible to enter a raffle for a basket that includes two tickets to the showing of Shrek the Musical at the Broadway Theatre of Pitman at 2 PM on Saturday, October 7 2017. Other items in the basket include Shrek band-aids, a stuffed animal, a Little Golden Book, and Shrek the Musical DVD and Original Broadway Cast Recording, and Shrek 4-Movie Recording Anniversary Edition (including Shrek, Shrek 2, Shrek the Third, and Shrek Forever After).
One entry per basket, please. These raffles are only open to patrons with library cards from the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library. If you do not have a Heggan library card, please stop by the library and take a photo in our Shrek cut-out!
Teens can “Build a Better World” by playing Book Bingo to expand reading horizons or attending a library program. Teens can join the Teen Advisory Board to build a better teen experience at the library, too!
Visit our display and pick up an entry for our Adult Tic-Tac-Toe contest and a handout of volunteer opportunities in our community to help Build a Better World.
Shirley has been employed at the library since January 10th 2007.
The Caught in the Act Award is financially sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Mrs. Sarah Kramer will be providing programs to children. We are so happy that we have an enthusiastic staff member who adores children available to serve the youngsters in our community! Mrs. Kramer is a familiar face to many young children and their caregivers. She is thrilled to be taking on this new role!
We will be hiring another librarian to focus on services to middle and high school students in the future, which is a goal listed in our recently released strategic plan.
We are sincerely going to miss Joanie and all that she contributed to children at the Heggan Library for many years. We wish her happiness in her retirement and we hope that she visits us often as a patron, attending our programs and borrowing materials from our vast collection!
You can read the strategic plan by following this link.
Fines up to $10.00 per library card will be forgiven in exchange for a food donation. Each item donated will forgive $1.00 in fines. Fees for lost library cards, lost or damaged library materials, fees owed to other libraries, and processing fees for lost or damaged library materials will not be forgiven.
Please feel free to make a donation, even if you don’t have a library fine.
All donated items will be given to Mother’s Cupboard.
The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile will be here, and there will be games and activities all day in the library.
Drop by our PokeStop to stock up on items and catch lured Pokemon!
Try out some exciting board games!
Our Minecraft server will be live!
10:00 a.m. – Humble Super Mario Brothers 3 Challenge
11:30 a.m. – Sonic Speed Run Challenge
1:00 p.m. – Gamer Trivia Contest
2:30 p.m. – Super Smash Brothers Casual Battle Royale
“I came to the library on 8/1/2016 looking for a book called Henny Penny. Mrs. Hill assisted me and helped me without hesitation. She is such a great, caring person.” Nominated by Tori Kristol
Read the first issue!
July 2016
Access Rosetta Stone today by visiting the Language Learning section of our Research page, or by clicking this link.
Designed for children ages 2-8, these computers will prepare young learners for the educational world ahead of them. Children will encounter familiar faces including Diego, Dora the Explorer, Reader Rabbit, Sponge Bob, Sesame Street characters and more on these easy to use computer stations. Best of all it makes learning fun.
These stations are possible thanks to a generous donation from the Friends of the Library. The Friends of the Library support the library through fundraising and advocacy.
Online registration is required for each event and is limited to Heggan Library cardholders. Registration for each event begins on Monday of the preceding week at 10:00 a.m.
Limited to adult Heggan Library cardholders.
Click here for more details
Title | Author | Call # | |
Daniel Finds a Poem | Micha Archer | ER ARCHER | Check Availability |
Mr. Goat’s Valentine | Eve Bunting | ER BUNTING | Check Availability |
Spot, the Cat | Henry Cole | ER COLE | Check Availability |
Snappsy the Alligator | Julie Falatko | ER FALATKO | Check Availability |
A Big Surprise for Little Card Charise | Mericle Harper | ER HARPER | Check Availability |
Next to You: A Book of Adorableness | Lori Haskins Houran | ER HOURAN | Check Availability |
Dig In! | Cindy Jenson-Elliott | ER JENSON ELLIOTT | Check Availability |
Into the Snow | Yuki Kaneko | ER KANEKO | Check Availability |
Ballerina Gets Ready | Allegra Kent | ER KENT | Check Availability |
Dario and the Whale | Cheryl Lawton Malone | ER MALONE | Check Availability |
Little Bitty Friends | Elizabeth McPike | ER MCPIKE | Check Availability |
Whoops! | Suzi Moore | ER MOORE | Check Availability |
Silly Wonderful You | Sherri Duskey Rinker | ER RINKER | Check Availability |
Go, Little Green Truck! | Roni Schotter | ER SCHOTTER | Check Availability |
The Typewriter | Bill Thomson | ER THOMSON | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
John Lincoln Clem: Civil War Drummer Boy | E.F. Abbott | JF ABBOTT | Check Availability |
Mary Jemison, Native American Captive | E.F. Abbott | JF ABBOTT | Check Availability |
Sybil Ludington: Revolutionary War Rider | E.F. Abbott | JF ABBOTT | Check Availability |
A New Arrival | Anna Alter | JF ALTER | Check Availability |
A Week Without Tuesday | Angelica Banks | JF BANKS | Check Availability |
Chasing Magic | Sudipta Bardham-Quallen | JF BARDHAN-QUALLEN | Check Availability |
The Fire Falls | Sudipta Bardham-Quallen | JF BARDHAN-QUALLEN | Check Availability |
Little Cat’s Luck | Marion Dane Bauer | JF BAUER | Check Availability |
Soar | Joan Bauer | JF BAUER | Check Availability |
Lizzie and the Lost Baby | Cheryl Blackford | JF BLACKFORD | Check Availability |
The Goblin’s Puzzle | Andrew S. Chilton | JF CHILTON | Check Availability |
Fenway and Hattie | Victoria J. Coe | JF COE | Check Availability |
Brambleheart | Henry Cole | JF COLE | Check Availability |
Ravenous | MarcyKate Connolly | JF CONNOLLY | Check Availability |
The Extincts | Veronica Cossanteli | JF COSSANTELI | Check Availability |
Sweet Home Alaska | Carole Estby Dagg | JF DAGG | Check Availability |
Buttercup Mystery | Kristin Earhart | JF EARHART | Check Availability |
Finding Luck | Kristin Earhart | JF EARHART | Check Availability |
A Woodland Wedding | Rebecca Elliott | JF ELLIOTT | Check Availability |
Grow a Ghost! | Dotti Enderle | JF ENDERLE | Check Availability |
Spaced Out! | Dotti Enderle | JF ENDERLE | Check Availability |
Cleo Edison Oliver, Playground Millionaire | Sundee T. Frazier | JF FRAZIER | Check Availability |
On the Road with Mallory | Laurie Friedman | JF FRIEDMAN | Check Availability |
The Adventures of Lettie Peppercorn | Sam Gayton | JF GAYTON | Check Availability |
The Clover Curse | Poppy Green | JF GREEN | Check Availability |
The Lincoln Project | Dan Gutman | JF GUTMAN | Check Availability |
Astrotwins: Project Rescue | Mark Kelly | JF KELLY | Check Availability |
Terror at Bottle Creek | Watt Key | JF KEY | Check Availability |
Saving Wonder | Mary Knight | JF KNIGHT | Check Availability |
Audacity Jones to the Rescue | Kirby Larson | JF LARSON | Check Availability |
The Last Boy at St. Edith’s | Lee Gjertsen Malone | JF MALONE | Check Availability |
The Remarkable Journey of Charlie Price | Jennifer Maschari | JF MASCHARI | Check Availability |
Just My Luck | Cammie McGovern | JF MCGOVERN | Check Availability |
Project Peep | Jenny Meyerhoff | JF MEYERHOFF | Check Availability |
Once Upon a Frog | Sarah Mlynowski | JF MLYNOWSKI | Check Availability |
Going Where It’s Dark | Phyllis Reynolds Naylor | JF NAYLOR | Check Availability |
Tru & Nelle | G. Neri | JF NERI | Check Availability |
The Turn of the Tide | Rosanne Parry | JF PARRY | Check Availability |
Bad News Nails | Jill Santopolo | JF SANTOPOLO | Check Availability |
Bling It On! | Jill Santopolo | JF SANTOPOLO | Check Availability |
A Picture-Perfect Mess | Jill Santopolo | JF SANTOPOLO | Check Availability |
Wedding Bell Blues | Jill Santopolo | JF SANTOPOLO | Check Availability |
The Cat Who Came In off the Roof | Annie M.G. Schmidt | JF SCHMIDT | Check Availability |
Heart of a Champion | Ellen Schwartz | JF SCHWARTZ | Check Availability |
A Tiny Piece of Sky | Shawn K. Stout | JF STOUT | Check Availability |
Henry Cicada’s Extraordinary Elktonium Escapade | David Teague | JF TEAGUE | Check Availability |
Baker’s Magic | Diane Zahler | JF ZAHLER | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Isabel Feeney, Star Reporter | Beth Fantaskey | JM FANTASKEY | Check Availability |
Friday Barnes, Girl Detective | R.A. Spratt | JM SPRATT | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Fridays with the Wizards | Jessica Day George | JSF GEORGE | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Coco Chanel | Ma Isabel Sánchez Vegara | JB CHANEL, COCO | Check Availability |
This Kid Can Fly | Aaron Philip | JB PHILIP, AARON | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
What Was the Great Depression? | Janet B. Pascal | J 973.917 PASCAL | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Rebel, Bully, Geek, Pariah | Erin Jade Lange | YA LANGE | Check Availability |
Up to this Pointe | Jennifer Longo | YA LONGO | Check Availability |
I’m From Nowhere | Suzanne Myers | YA MYERS | Check Availability |
Underwater | Marisa Reichardt | YA REICHARDT | Check Availability |
The Secret Language of Sisters | Luanne Rice | YA RICE | Check Availability |
Titans | Victoria Scott | YA SCOTT | Check Availability |
The Last Place on Earth | Carol Snow | YA SNOW | Check Availability |
Burn | Elissa Sussman | YA SUSSMAN | Check Availability |
Into the Dim | Janet B. Taylor | YA TAYLOR | Check Availability |
Autumn’s Kiss | Bella Thorne | YA THORNE | Check Availability |
Shallow Graves | Kali Wallace | YA WALLACE | Check Availability |
Thanks for the Trouble | Tommy Wallach | YA WALLACH | Check Availability |
Assassin’s Masque | Sarah Zettel | YA ZETTEL | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
The Mystery of Hollow Places | Rebecca Podos | YAM PODOS | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
The Girl from Everywhere | Heidi Heilig | YASF HELIG | Check Availability |
Sword and Verse | Kathy MacMillan | YASF MACMILLAN | Check Availability |
Marked | Laura Williams McCaffrey | YASF MCCAFFREY | Check Availability |
Revenge and the Wild | Michelle Modesto | YASF MODESTO | Check Availability |
The Sword of Summer | Rick Riordan | YASF RIORDAN | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Missing Millie Benson | Julie K. Rubini | YAB BENSON, MILLIE | Check Availability |
Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Woman Living History | Karen Blumenthal | YAB CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Just My Type: Understanding Personality Profiles | Michael J. Rosen | YA 155.26 ROSEN | Check Availability |
Feminism: Reinventing the F-Word | Nadia Abushanab Higgins | YA 305.4 HIGGINS | Check Availability |
Women of Colonial America : 13 Stories of Courage and Survival in the the New World | Brandon Marie Miller | YA 305.42 MILLER | Check Availability |
The Story of Seeds | Nancy F. Castaldo | YA 631.521 CASTALDO | Check Availability |
In the Fields and the Trenches | Kerrie Logan Hollihan | YA 940.3 HOLLIHAN | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
The Kindness of Enemies | Leila Aboulela | FIC ABOULELA | Check Availability |
Sage’s Eyes | V.C. Andrews | FIC ANDREWS | Check Availability |
A Taste for Nightshade | Martine Bailey | FIC BAILEY | Check Availability |
Fallen Land | Taylor Brown | FIC BROWN | Check Availability |
Black Rabbit Hall | Eve Chase | FIC CHASE | Check Availability |
Warriors of the Storm | Bernard Cornwell | FIC CORNWELL | Check Availability |
Nothing Ventured | Anne Douglas | FIC DOUGLAS | Check Availability |
The God’s Eye View | Barry Eisler | FIC EISLER | Check Availability |
She’s Not There | Joy Fielding | FIC FIELDING | Check Availability |
The Book of Memory | Petina Gappah | FIC GAPPAH | Check Availability |
The Lightkeepers | Abby Geni | FIC GENI | Check Availability |
The Yid | Paul Goldberg | FIC GOLDBERG | Check Availability |
River Road | Carol Goodman | FIC GOODMAN | Check Availability |
The Vatican Princess: A Novel of Lucrezia Borgia | C.W. Gortner | FIC GORTNER | Check Availability |
Hide | Matthew Griffin | FIC GRIFFIN | Check Availability |
Forty Rooms | Olga Grushin | FIC GRUSHIN | Check Availability |
The Past | Tessa Hadley | FIC HADLEY | Check Availability |
The Fourth Horseman | David Hagberg | FIC HAGBERG | Check Availability |
The Girl in the Red Coat | Kate Hamer | FIC HAMER | Check Availability |
Real Tigers | Mick Herron | FIC HERRON | Check Availability |
The Illegal | Lawrence Hill | FIC HILL | Check Availability |
Orphan X | Gregg Hurwitz | FIC HURWITZ | Check Availability |
Why We Came to the City | Kristopher Jansma | FIC JANSMA | Check Availability |
Second House From the Corner | Sadeqa Johnson | FIC JOHNSON | Check Availability |
Nightfall Over Shanghai | Daniel Kalla | FIC KALLA | Check Availability |
The Blue Hour | Douglas Kennedy | FIC KENNEDY | Check Availability |
The Crooked House | Christobel Kent | FIC KENT | Check Availability |
Hidden Bodies | Caroline Kepnes | FIC KEPNES | Check Availability |
The Madwoman Upstairs | Catherine Lowell | FIC LOWELL | Check Availability |
The Quality of Silence | Rosamund Lupton | FIC LUPTON | Check Availability |
Runaway | Peter May | FIC MAY | Check Availability |
Tender | Belinda McKeon | FIC MCKEON | Check Availability |
This Census-taker | China Mieville | FIC MIEVILLE | Check Availability |
The Poison Artist | Jonathan Moore | FIC MOORE | Check Availability |
Beside Myself | Ann Morgan | FIC MORGAN | Check Availability |
Travelers Rest | Keith Lee Morris | FIC MORRIS | Check Availability |
What Lies Between Us | Nayomi Munaweera | FIC MUNAWEERA | Check Availability |
Lost in His Eyes | Andrew Neiderman | FIC NEIDERMAN | Check Availability |
Arcadia | Iain Pears | FIC PEARS | Check Availability |
Regrets Only | M.J. Pullen | FIC PULLEN | Check Availability |
Scarpia | Piers Paul Read | FIC READ | Check Availability |
Baggage | S.G. Redling | FIC REDLING | Check Availability |
Ice Chest | J.D. Rhoades | FIC RHOADES | Check Availability |
What She Left | T.R. Richmond | FIC RICHMOND | Check Availability |
Thomas Murphy | Roger Rosenblatt | FIC ROSENBLATT | Check Availability |
What I Tell You in the Dark | John Samuel | FIC SAMUEL | Check Availability |
The Passenger | F.R. Tallis | FIC TALLIS | Check Availability |
Only Love Can Break Your Heart | Ed Tarkington | FIC TARKINGTON | Check Availability |
Wreck and Order | Hannah Tennant-Moore | FIC TENNANT MOORE | Check Availability |
Georgia: A Novel of Georgia O’Keeffe | Dawn Tripp | FIC TRIPP | Check Availability |
I Met Someone | Bruce Wagner | FIC WAGNER | Check Availability |
The Arrangement | Ashley Warlick | FIC WARLICK | Check Availability |
Girl Through Glass | Sari Wilson | FIC WILSON | Check Availability |
Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist | Sunil Yapa | FIC YAPA | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Jane and the Waterloo Map | Stephanie Barron | M BARRON | Check Availability |
I’m Traveling Alone | Samuel Bjork | M BJORK | Check Availability |
Even the Dead | Benjamin Black | M BLACK | Check Availability |
The Killing Forest | Sara Blaedel | M BLAEDEL | Check Availability |
Blood Will Tell | Jeanne M. Dams | M DAMS | Check Availability |
Unreasonable Doubt | Vicki Delany | M DELANY | Check Availability |
The Scottie Barked at Midnight | Kaitlyn Dunnett | M DUNNETT | Check Availability |
Shoot | Loren D. Estleman | M ESTLEMAN | Check Availability |
The Last Dawn | Joe Gannon | M GANNON | Check Availability |
The Lavender Lane Lothario | David Handler | M HANDLER | Check Availability |
One Under | Cynthia Harrod-Eagles | M HARROD-EAGLES | Check Availability |
A Midsummer’s Equation | Keigo Higashino | M HIGASHINO | Check Availability |
Tundra Kill | Stan Jones | M JONES | Check Availability |
The Language of Secrets | Ausma Zehanat Khan | M KHAN | Check Availability |
South of Nowhere | Minerva Koenig | M KOENIG | Check Availability |
Honky Tonk Samurai | Joe R. Lansdale | M LANSDALE | Check Availability |
Midnight Sun | Jo Nesbo | M NESBO | Check Availability |
Even Dogs in the Wild | Ian Rankin | M RANKIN | Check Availability |
Blackout | David Rosenfelt | M ROSENFELT | Check Availability |
Thicker than Water | Sally Spencer | M SPENCER | Check Availability |
No Shred of Evidence | Charles Todd | M TODD | Check Availability |
The Cellar | Minette Walters | M WALTERS | Check Availability |
Orchard Grove | Vincent Zandri | M ZANDRI | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
The Deep Sea Diver’s Syndrome | Serge Brussolo | SF BRUSSOLO | Check Availability |
A Fantasy Medley 3 | SF FANTASY | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
The Private Eye | Brian K. Vaughan | 741.5 VAUGHAN | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
John Birch: A Life | Terry Lautz | B BIRCH, JOHN | Check Availability |
Cheney One on One | James Rosen | B CHENEY, RICHARD B. | Check Availability |
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass | Frederick Douglass | B DOUGLASS, FREDERICK | Check Availability |
Master of Ceremonies: A Memoir | Joel Grey | B GREY, JOEL | Check Availability |
The Rise of a Prairie Statesman | Thomas J. Knock | B MCGOVERN, GEORGE | Check Availability |
Life is Not an Accident : a Memoir of Reinvention | Jay Williams | B WILLIAMS, JAY | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Guide | Mike Meyers | 004.1621 A | Check Availability |
Linux Administration: A Beginner’s Guide | Wale Soyinka | 005.4469 LINUX | Check Availability |
Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to your Biggest Challenges | Amy Cuddy | 158.1 CUDDY | Check Availability |
The Woman’s Wakeup: How to Shake Up Your Looks, Life and Love After 50 | Lois Joy Johnson | 305.244 JOHNSON | Check Availability |
Integration Nation: Immigrants, Refugees, and America at its Best | Susan E. Eaton | 305.8 EATON | Check Availability |
Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul | Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. | 305.896 GLAUDE | Check Availability |
Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works | Jay Newton-Small | 320 NEWTON-SMALL | Check Availability |
Exit Right: The People Who Left the Left and Reshaped the American Century | Daniel Oppenheimer | 324.2 OPPENHEIMER | Check Availability |
Surprise Attack: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11 to Benghazi | Larry Hancock | 327.1273 HANCOCK | Check Availability |
NCLEX-RN 2016: Strategies, Practice and Review | Kaplan, Inc. | 331.793 NCLEX-RN | Check Availability |
Kaplan PCAT 2016-2017 | Kaplan Publishing | 331.796 PCAT | Check Availability |
The Green and the Black: the Complete Story of the Shale Revolution, the Fight over Fracking, and the Future of Energy | Gary Sernovitz | 333.8233 SERNOVITZ | Check Availability |
Paradise Now: The Story of American Utopianism | Chris Jennings | 335.12 JENNINGS | Check Availability |
The Road Taken: The History and Future of American Utopianism | Henry Petroski | 338.9 PETROSKI | Check Availability |
The Anatomy of Addiction: What Science and Research Tell Us About the True Causes, Best Preventive Techniques and Most Successful Treatments | Akikur Mohammad, MD | 362.29 MOHAMMAD | Check Availability |
Getting High: Marijuana Through the Ages | John Charles Chasteen | 362.295 CHASTEEN | Check Availability |
Narco-Nomics: How to Run a Drug Cartel | Tom Wainwright | 363.45 WAINWRIGHT | Check Availability |
Five Dollars and a Pork Chop Sandwich: Vote Buying and the Corruption of Democracy | Mary Frances Berry | 364.1 BERRY | Check Availability |
Incarceration Nations: A Journey to Justice in Prisons Around the World | Baz Dreisinger | 365 DREISINGER | Check Availability |
Hell is a Very Small Place: Voices from Solitary Confiment | 365.6 HELL | Check Availability | |
Beyond Bullying: Breaking the Cycle of Shame, Bullying, and Violence | Jonathan Fast, PhD | 371.7 FAST | Check Availability |
Firefly Visual Dictionary: With Definitions | Igor Jourist | 423 JOURIST | Check Availability |
Firefly Spanish-English Visual Dictionary | Igor Jourist | 463.21 JOURIST | Check Availability |
Cosmosapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the Universe | John Hands | 523.1 HANDS | Check Availability |
Body Fuel: Calorie-Cycle Your Way to Reduced Body Fat and Greater Muscle Definition | Mark Lauren | 613.70449 LAUREN | Check Availability |
Before I Forget: Love, Hope, Help, and Acceptance in Our Fight Against Alzheimer’s | B. Smith | 616.831 SMITH | Check Availability |
James Beard’s All-American Eats | James Beard | 641.5 BEARD | Check Availability |
Waste Free Kitchen Handbook: A Guide to Eating and Saving Money by Wasting Less Food | Dana Gunders | 641.5 GUNDERS | Check Availability |
Gardening with Less Water: Low-Tech, Low-Cost Techniques: Use up to 90 Percent Less Water in Your Garden | David A. Bainbridge | 685.9 BAINBRIDGE | Check Availability |
What’s Wrong With My Houseplant? Save Your Indoor Plants with 100 Percent Organic Solutions | David Deardorff | 685.965 DEARDORFF | Check Availability |
Rare Books Uncovered: True Stories of Fantastic Finds in Unlikely Places | Rebecca Rego Barry | 745.1341 BARRY | Check Availability |
Barclay Miniature Toy Vehicles, Transports, Cars, Trucks, and Trains 1932-1971 | Howard W. Melton | 745.17417 MELTON | Check Availability |
Pop-Up Cards: Step-by-step Instructions for Creating 30 Handmade Cards in Stunning 3-D Designs | Emily Gregory | 745.5941 GREGORY | Check Availability |
The Literature Book | 818 LITERATURE | Check Availability | |
Survival in Auschwitz: If This Is a Man | Primo Levi | 940.5318 LEVI | Check Availability |
Winter Is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must be Stopped | Garry Kasparov | 947.086 KASPAROV | Check Availability |
The Invitation-Only Zone: The True Story of North Korea’s Abduction Project | Robert S. Boynton | 951.93 BOYNTON | Check Availability |
Periphery: Israel’s Search for Middle East Allies | Yossi Alpher | 956.94 ALPHER | Check Availability |
The Invisibles: The Untold Story of African American Slaves in the White House | Jesse J. Holland | 973.0496 HOLLAND | Check Availability |
The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition | Manisha Sinha | 973.0496 SINHA | Check Availability |
Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency | David Greenberg | 973.099 GREENBERG | Check Availability |
The First Congress: How James Madison, George Washington, and a Group of Extraordineary Men Invented the Government | Fergus M. Bordewich | 973.3 BORDEWICH | Check Availability |
A Just and Generous Nation: Abraham Lincoln and the Fight for American Opportunity | Harold Holzer | 973.7 HOLZER | Check Availability |
The Last of the President’s Men | Bob Woodward | 973.924 WOODWARD | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Fates and Furies | Lauren Groff | LP FIC GROFF | Check Availability |
Scandalous Behavior | Stuart Woods | LP FIC WOODS | Check Availability |
Title | Author | Call # | |
Maggie Smith | Michael Coveney | LP B SMITH, MAGGIE | Check Availability |